Special Delivery
Special Delivery originated as part of a discussion with some friends about making a game from a simple premise - in this case, you play a lost package that needs to deliver itself. We quickly prototyped a simple proof a concept in Unity and determined that the idea was sound. From there, we started work on what would become a vertical slice of the game.
From January to October 2016 we worked on Special Delivery in our free time. As part of the vertical slice, we developed a cohesive storyline, three playable characters, six single player stages, and three different online multiplayer modes. With this initial work completed, we are in the process of determining how best to proceed with the game.
Over the course of the 10 months of development, I had to wear many different hats. My primary role on the project was Producer and Designer. I was in charge of managing timeline, goals, features and tasking the team for any given sprint. When I wasn't managing the project, I lead the design effort to create the various different stages, develop the characters, and worked on the feel of the game. Additionally, I would occasionally put on my programming hat and jump in to help with features that were slipping.