

EcoNauts was the second game that I developed at the Learning Games Network. It is a real time strategy iPad game where players compete in a virtual environment for resources. The target audience for this game was middle schoolers, but the game was built with a general audiance in mind. I was chosen to lead a team of 5 developers to complete this game in 6 months. Given the time and staffing constraints, this ended up being quite a challenge.

Being project lead, I was not only responsible with overseeing design and art, planning milestones, and overall direction of the project, but also did the majority of the gameplay programming on this project as well. Specifically, some of the more significant things I implemented were the world framework, careers, tutorial system, pollution system, voice over system, player stat tracking, input management and more. This ended up being an incredible amount of work and was incredibly rewarding to finish on time.

Initial response to the game was very positive. While there is no plan to release the iPad version on the store, you can download the game for PC/MAC for free.
